Monogatari Series Second Season Episode 10 Recap: "Mayoi Jiangshi, Part Four"

Monogatari Series Second Season Episode 10 Recap: "Mayoi Jiangshi, Part Four"

Koyomi and Shinobu are suddenly surrounded by hundreds of vampires. While they are worrying about what they should do, rice begins falling from the sky and the vampires disappear off somewhere. Koyomi helps the woman who caused the rice to fall and sees she is Mayoi grown into an adult woman. She gives Koyomi, who is shocked that she is alive, a letter.

The letter is from Oshino Meme. According to his explanation, Koyomi finds out that they used the time slip to travel from Root A to the different world of Root X of 11 years ago. Fate is even more severe than he thought. Meme tells Koyomi, who knows about the vampires living in this ruined world and the existence of Kiss-shot, that, “It’s better to save the girl who’s right in front of you.”

In order to save the world and the resurrected Mayoi, Koyomi and Shinobu decide to fight Kiss-shot together, even though they know they have no chance.

Deciding on their course of action, the pair meet Kiss-shot at the shrine. There, having failed to burn herself to death, Kiss-shot has the appearance of a strange, ruined queen. The moment she sees Koyomi and Shinobu she lets out a raucous laugh. Does this world exist because of that route? It’s a world ruined by her own jealousy. It’s a world where she believes Koyomi and they can be together. Knowing that, Kiss-shot says she will use her own energy to send Koyomi and Shinobu back to their original world. Meme’s letter said he should save the girl in front of him but it didn’t just mean Mayoi - there was Kiss-shot too.

As for who appeared in front of Shinobu and Koyomi when they safely arrived in their original world of Aug. 21, Koyomi knows it’s Mayoi. They can’t save the Mayoi of this world after the accident, but Mayoi says that she was happy she got to meet Koyomi. And so he returns to his usual world.

TV Anime Monogatari Official Site

© Nisio Isin / Kodansha Ltd., Aniplex Inc., Shaft

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