Gallery Egao Expresses Otaku Art in a New Way Using the Techniques of Oil Painting!

Anime and manga illustrations expressed as oil paintings - this is what you will find at the specialty shop Gallery Egao in Nagoya, Japan. Illustrations for which they have received permission to duplicate are reproduced as oil paintings at their studio in Fujian, China and then sold in their shop.

The shop was established by Kobayashi Commercial Affairs, who deal with many items and handicrafts made in China. The company is also expanding to reproducing some of the world’s most famous oil paintings. Making full use of their techniques, the new business also reproduces original illustrations from popular creators on Pixiv. Presently, the company employs the help of roughly 10 high school girls in Japan and illustrators from China and Vietnam. The company also pays the illustrators whose works they use.

In order to further extend their otaku oil paintings, the company is currently seeking help from companies who hold copyrights to otaku works.

As long as the copyright isn’t an issue, they can also create made-to-order paintings of any works customers would like. In this way, many creators can commemorate their work by turning it into an original oil painting.

Source: (Japanese)

Gallery Egao Expresses Otaku Art in a New Way Using the Techniques of Oil Painting! 1
Gallery Egao Expresses Otaku Art in a New Way Using the Techniques of Oil Painting! 2

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