Second Season of TV Anime “Tamayura” to be Broadcast in Anime’s “Sacred City”

© 2013 Junichi Sato, TYA/Tamayura Production Committee. All rights reserved.
© 2013 Junichi Sato, TYA/Tamayura Production Committee. All rights reserved.

It has been announced that the second season of the TV anime Tamayura will be broadcast on NHK Hiroshima. The city of Takehara, Hiroshima is used as the setting for Tamayura, which depicts the delicate emotions of young women, and it is known as a sacred place for the anime. Due to this, the second season will be viewable all throughout the Hiroshima prefecture.

Tamayura received high acclaim from anime fans when it was released as an OVA in 2010. In 2011, a TV series called Tamayura: Hitotose was broadcast. Since then, the shops and streets of Takehara that serve as the setting for the anime have made the city a popular sightseeing spot, with many fans making the so-called “pilgrimage to the sacred city.”

The second season of Tamayura will begin broadcasting in July on NHK Hiroshima. To get fans geared up for season two, all 12 episodes from Tamayura: Hitotose will begin re-broadcasting this month. it is expected that more broadcasting channels for the anime will be announced soon.

On April 14, the main cast will gather for the Tamayura Promotion Event at the Tokyo Dome City Hall. Tickets for this event are now on sale.

Tamayura Official Site: (Japanese)

Source: (Japanese)

© 2013 Junichi Sato, TYA/Tamayura Production Committee. All rights reserved.

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