Gundam Front Tokyo: The World’s Premiere Spot for Everything Gundam [2/2]

When we visited Gunpla Tokyo, the winning Gunpla from the Gunpla Builders World Cup 2012 were also on display. The skillfully made models offered attendees a slightly different take on the world of Gundam. One Gundam fan, who has been with the series since the very beginning and was staring intently at the displays, was in attendance that day. We asked him for his thoughts on the monumental series:

I have been watching Gundam since I was a kid. At the time, the story was difficult for me to understand, but as I got older, I began to understand it more and I fell in love with it. Gundam isn’t just an anime, it’s an extensive work that spans novels, games, manga, and more. It’s an enjoyable series that has a profoundly deep story. I love it!

We went on to ask him, “From a fan’s point of view, what parts of Gunpla do you appreciate?” With his eyes sparkling like a kid in a candy store, he explained, “It’s important that the color usage, parts, and joints are all striking and complement each other. Even more important than that though is how the world of Gundam is represented through the work. This is what I look for.” After talking with this dedicated fan, we gained a new appreciation for Gunpla.

Gundam Front Tokyo is a veritable feast for any Gundam fan that includes much more on display than just Gunpla. If you happen to be a Gundam fan, you should definitely experience Gundam Front Tokyo at least once.

Gundam Front Tokyo Official Site:

Gundam Front Tokyo: The World’s Premiere Spot for Everything Gundam [2/2] 1
Gundam Front Tokyo: The World’s Premiere Spot for Everything Gundam [2/2] 2
Gundam Front Tokyo: The World’s Premiere Spot for Everything Gundam [2/2] 3
Gundam Front Tokyo: The World’s Premiere Spot for Everything Gundam [2/2] 4
Gundam Front Tokyo: The World’s Premiere Spot for Everything Gundam [2/2] 5
Gundam Front Tokyo: The World’s Premiere Spot for Everything Gundam [2/2] 6

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