Hiroaki Matsuura, Representative Director of SANZIGEN, Shares His Thoughts on Full 3D Animation

SANZIGEN, an animation studio that primarily creates 3D CG animation, has been taking the anime industry by storm. The company was established in 2006, during a time when anime works were decreasing within Japan. One of the company’s best known works is 2012’s huge hit 009 RE:CYBORG.

Regarding the future of 3D CG animation, the representative director of SANZIGEN, Hiroaki Matsuura, was quoted as saying, “When the expression of 3D CG is finally recognized, there is no doubt that the field of 3D CG will expand.” Matsuura went on to say, “In terms of production efficiency, CG animation is going to be more mainstream in the future. It is likely to become the trend of the age. However, I think it is still necessary to learn and study the wonderful techniques of hand drawn anime that have been used by the great animators who have come before.”

Matsuura also talked about doing what others have not and his feelings on being a pioneer:

Regarding expanding into overseas markets, it’s not about forcefully trying to break through the gap between Japan and overseas countries, it’s about having the stance that ‘things will happen as they may’. What we are pursuing is staying ahead of what’s expected of the current era and market. In other words, we are challenging ourselves with things that nobody has done before. Whether that is anime with a real tone or a traditional cel tone, we still don’t know. But, I think that all we have to do is pursue it.

We are pleasantly expecting great things from SANZIGEN as they help move the anime industry forward.

http://www.4gamer.net/games/000/G000000/20121227019/ (Japanese)

Hiroaki Matsuura, Representative Director of SANZIGEN, Shares His Thoughts on Full 3D Animation 1
Hiroaki Matsuura, Representative Director of SANZIGEN, Shares His Thoughts on Full 3D Animation 2
Hiroaki Matsuura, Representative Director of SANZIGEN, Shares His Thoughts on Full 3D Animation 3
Hiroaki Matsuura, Representative Director of SANZIGEN, Shares His Thoughts on Full 3D Animation 4
Hiroaki Matsuura, Representative Director of SANZIGEN, Shares His Thoughts on Full 3D Animation 5
Hiroaki Matsuura, Representative Director of SANZIGEN, Shares His Thoughts on Full 3D Animation 6
Hiroaki Matsuura, Representative Director of SANZIGEN, Shares His Thoughts on Full 3D Animation 7
Hiroaki Matsuura, Representative Director of SANZIGEN, Shares His Thoughts on Full 3D Animation 8

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