The eighth episode of the anime adaptation of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure was recently broadcast, with many viewers being glued to their TV screens. The first volume of the anime will be released on Blu-Ray and DVD on 30 January 2013. Volumes will continue to be released until September 2013, with nine volumes releasing in total.
Information on the different versions of the first volume has also been released. To start with, a deluxe edition Blu-Ray will be released that is fully loaded with extras. The limited first edition will include an original soundtrack, and a special ticket that can be redeemed for rare goods for those who purchase all nine volumes. The Blu-Ray edition will sell for 8,190 yen.
The DVD for the first volume will be reasonably priced at 2,625 yen. The price for volumes 2-8 will be comparatively cheap at 3,990 yen, and volume nine will be a bit cheaper at 2,940 yen. The first volume Blu-Ray and DVD will include episodes 1-3. Considering the price, three episodes for 2,625 yen is a fantastic deal.
Part two of the anime will begin in December. For those who missed part one, you can get caught up by buying volumes 1-3 when they are released. For those who can’t wait, the anime is easy to follow so why not start now?
This article contains translated excerpts from (Japanese).