Alyx Beauchamp
Alyx Beauchamp
Alyx Beauchamp

Alyx Beauchamp


Sharp edges


Due to the nature of soras hair, this figure is dangerously sharp. I had a very hard time pulling him apart to remove the plastic pieces and I image people who change the faces often will have a hard to of it as well. He is difficult to pose as the keyblade wont stay in his hand, and the little keychain immediately fell off when I had finished putting together the figure. They keyblade fell over because sora cant hold it well, and the keychain is lost behind a bookshelf, probably going to be vacuumed up the next time I move. Exchanging the arm pieces is also difficult, as the extra pieces dont want to stay in their socket. BUT I do love this figure. It's just not one i would reccomend t...Read moreClose

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