Nizemono-sanUnited States of America
Nizemono-sanUnited States of America


  • TOM Premium


Chibi Mista, 'nuff said


Meanwhile. . .in another Jojo figurine review. . .
Mista's here!
I'm happy to see that they are releasing the band of traitors from Part 5.
The paint job looks great and the mini pistol he holds is … well, held.
I'm saying this because some other figurines I had with small accessories sort of just slotted there, barely giving the appearance that they are held or sometimes they won't fit the crevice they're supposed to go.
So that's a plus on this one.
Surprisingly poseable unlike some Nendos which only include arms in specific poses to recreate some scenes.
To be fair, the amount of pose-ability is quite broad on all of...
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