

  • TOM Premium


My second one.


I actually ordered him after already having one because he is one of my favorite sword boys and part of my main team so I just had to have two of him. He is INCREDIBLY adorable . The only thing is that getting the standing arm to stay on him can be quite finicky since he has his cape + sword also on his back. Also, his side part of his cape is connected via a small peg on his front which can easily pop off and be lost. So be careful! Otherwise, he is adorable and so worth getting two of!

He looks amazing


Mine came near perfect. No paint flecks, everything was within their lines, and he was shaded greatly. The only "flaw" was in the extra swords that go into the tree, but with some filing, that should be perfect too (the peg that goes into the tree is a bit too long so it sticks out a bit more than it's meant to).

Will definitely keep in my collection.

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