




Everything in it is soooo cute! I love it so much! The foldout poster is perfect, it's a little hard to get out for those who want to remove it, but once it's out, it's super cute! Love it! Can't wait to get the others!

I love it soooooooooo much!!!!!!!


It's so perfect! I can now have a place to store my phone w/out losing it! It holds up my phone perfectly and I love how you can remove the Eli figure, even though I want it to stay in place. My only complaint is that the figurine does not stay in place and falls over constantly, due to it's enlarged head, which gives me a heart attack whenever she falls. The other thing is that the Eli Base and the stand do not stay together, as if I move it or pick it up, they split apart, which is normal, but there needs to be more renforcement.

Love It!


The entire book is so cute! Considering everything in the book is written in Kanji, I've been trying to decipher it, but for me, I mostly ordered the book to see the cute doodles and images of Nozomi.

The Posters Were So Cute!!!!


I love them all!!! The nice thing is, in the description it says you might not get all of the posters, but I did actually get all of them! It's so nice! They are the perfect size to hang in my room and the boxes they all came in are also pretty handy for when I'm storing them away. Overall 5 stars is definitely the best rating!

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