Emma Millstein is the true definition of beauty and brains of Class VII. Her pose to cast arts with her orbital staff makes her the greatest witch of Class VII and I love her when u pick Emma as the love interest for Rean. I truly recommend trying out the trails of cold steel series and trails into reverie because this series made me happy and cried.
Ryza looks very beautifully developed and matured.
Chen Hai in her Vestibule of Wonders outfit displays her beautiful face and gorgeous pose. I was really surprised Chen Hai backside was more exposed and that made me blush ๐. I would love to see more Azur Lane figures especially from Ironblood like Bismarck Zwei and Regensburg.
Belfast arrived safe and secured. She is proudly displayed along with other Azur Lane members like Akagi, Kaga, Shoukaku, and oath skin Belfast too.
I was really excited when my figure arrived and the details are amazing especially being together with my other figures as well. I can't wait for more Azur Lane figures in the future.
I wasn't expecting my figure arriving this week but I'm really glad it did and she will fit perfectly with the others.
I love the legend of heroes series and especially from class VII. Fie is a perfect addition to my collection along with Rean, Crow, Altina, and Rixia. I really hope to see more figures in the future because they are my favorite series alongside with Azur Lane.