Miku in a traditional Kimono made by stronger is a great asset of any Miku fan
It Saber from Fate in a Kimono what else do I need to say
Stronger never fail to delivery
Stronger did a great on this figure and the rest of the girls ∞/5
Good plush but not as polish as the Snow Miku plush
Good replica for any Fate fan but a little bit pricy. Also, no Avalon that was offered in Japan
Aniplex did a great job on the figure of Sakura in a Kimono
Box arrives a bit beat up but the figure is great
Soft, cute, and adorable
Cute and lovely, Great for any LL fan
Jeanne in an elegant dress
Nero in a 'Bathrobe' UMU
Price looks expensive but it's worth every penny
Yohane awaken her inner fallen angel
Great figure with a nice base. Can't wait til the rest of the girls are release
Love that the design is based on the LN instead of the anime
Love that the design is based on the LN instead of the anime
Its Miku what else do I need to say
Great figure but a bit lacking in the design
Great figure from Alter nice always. Also, she got a nice butt
Dango Dango Dango Dango Dango Dango Daikazoku
Great figure to pair up with Eriri
You can now partly undress Eriri
Figure on par with other Kadokawa figures
Miria is cute like always. Also, Alter did a great job
The face is a bit mismatch compare to the rest other than that it's a great Nendoroid
Limited Edition = less clothing
Must buy if you like Megumin
Cute figure in a nice box
Good choice for Date A Live Fans
Good choice for Date A Live Fans
Gotta buy my best girl
I wish the quality was a bit higher for the price.
Gotta buy a Kimono figure for Saekano
Her hood didn't fit perfectly and the chain is a bit too long, other than those two problems its a great figure
Although not a perfect figure due to some problem but still a great figure if you like Rem and Re:Zero
A lovely little bird invaded my home
I'm a sucker for Kimono figures
She's no longer useless
I had to get her to complete the set. Wasn't disappointed
Can't go wrong with Stronger make a Fate figure.
Much better than Akiba Catcher
Saekano+Eriri+ 1/4 Bunny = Great figure