New Love Live! Project to be Titled Love Live! Superstar!!

New Love Live! Project to be Titled Love Live! Superstar!!

Love Live! has confirmed Love Live! Superstar!! for the title of its latest instalment!

Love Live! Superstar!! will feature Shibuya Kanon, Tang Keke, Arashi Chisato, Heanna Sumire, and Hazuki Ren as its five central characters.

The new band's name and the Yuigaoka Girls High School badge will be decided by a poll in fan magazine Love Live! Days, beginning today.

Spanning anime, games, and live concerts, the Love Live! franchise stars idol bands μ’s, aqours, and Nijigasaki High School Idol Club.

(C) Project Love Live! Superstar

Adapted with permission from Anime!Anime!

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