A3! Season Spring & Summer Confirms Jan. 14 Premiere!

A3! Season Spring & Summer Confirms Jan. 14 Premiere!

Upcoming anime A3!'s Spring & Summer season is set to air from Jan. 14!

In-game unit A3ders! will sing the opening theme song, “Act! Addict! Actors!”. Composed by Oishi Masayoshi, who also worked on the original game, it will be released as a single on Feb. 5.

Season Spring will also receive a special preview screening on Dec. 8.

A3! is based on the popular "ikemen-raising" smartphone game of the same name, which puts players into the shoes of the new president of a once-renowned theater company. Her mission is to recruit handsome actors and produce stage plays in order to bring the theater back to its former glory. Before the anime, a manga and several stage play adaptations had also been produced.

A3! Season Spring & Summer is slated to air on Jan. 14.


Adapted with permission from Anime!Anime!


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