A brand new Digimon, Venom Vamdemon Undead, has been specially designed for the stage play Digimon Adventure tri: Hachi Gatsu Tsuitachi no Boken by the anime’s original character designer, Kenji Watanabe.
It’s also expected that the evolution of MetalGreymon into WarGreymon will be seen for the first time on stage ahead of the release of the 5th Digimon Adventure tri movie, Symbiosis, which is released at cinemas across Japan on Sept. 30, 2017.
Digimon Adventure tri: Hachi Gatsu Tsuitachi no Boken runs at Zepp Blue Theater Roppongi, Tokyo from Aug. 5 to 13.

(C) Hongo Akiyoshi, Toei Animation (C) Digimon Adventure tri. Production Committee
Adapted with permission from Anime!Anime!