A fun video based on the anime Uta no Prince-sama Maji Love Revolutions has recently been released on YouTube. It shows employees of the cell phone company SoftBank dancing to the main theme of the hit TV anime series. The video was uploaded to SoftBank’s official YouTube channel.
SoftBank is collaborating with Uta no Prince-sama Maji Love Revolutions for Comic Market 88, a three day event held in Tokyo’s Big Sight beginning Aug. 14. The video was part of that collaboration.
From hairstyle to outfit, all of the SoftBank employees look just like Uta no Prince-sama characters as they dance along. The group is a combination of experienced dancers, former cheerleaders, and first time dancers. All of the dancers work for SoftBank, and spent a long time practicing this dance routine together. You can see that their effort paid off. Be sure to check out this 1-minute, 50-second video of these SoftBank employees dancing their hearts out.
Comic Market attracts a large number of participants every year, which has led to some problems with cell phone reception during the event. However, this has become less of an issue in recent years as cell phone carriers have been taking countermeasures to strengthen the wireless signals. This year, SoftBank set up a mobile base station, provided SoftBank Wi-Fi Spots and sent out "Wi-Fi Ninjas” (employees carrying wireless routers around the event space to boost the signal). Through their collaboration with Uta no Prince-sama Maji Love Revolutions SoftBank hopes to promote these measures. They even set up a Comic Market wireless network only accessible from a specific location. The network name is ".MAJI_LOVE_REVO_SB".
With the fourth season of this popular anime soon to be released, this special video of SoftBank employees dancing is sure to attract a lot of attention. Stay tuned to see what sort of exciting collaborations and campaigns they have in store for the next Comic Market.
Source: animeanime