JAXA Introduces its Precipitation Monitoring Satellite Project Through an Anime by White Fox

The Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and Japanese anime have joined forces.

Recently, JAXA released an online PR anime about the Global Precipitation Measurement/Dual-frequency Precipitation Radar (GPM/DPR), a joint satellite project by JAXA and NASA. The core satellite is planned to launch on a H-IIA rocket from Tanegashima Space Center this year. The satellite is equipped with a DPR, and with its help, they can monitor Earth’s precipitation, such as rain and snow, and water circulation with high precision.

The anime explains the role of the GPM/DPR in an easy-to-understand fashion, and it is produced by White Fox, a studio that makes TV anime and anime movies. White Fox is mainly known from Steins;Gate and Jormungand, both being popular anime that received high praises from fans.

On the official site, there are also comments from Emiko Takeuchi, who plays Ueza Haruka from JAXA and Reina Ueda, playing Sophia Cigley from NASA. Takeuchi emphasises “the last scene with the bike,” while Ueda mentions the “I’m sorry about...about before” scene as particularly worthy of attention. You might want to check these scenes out while learning about the GPM/DPR.

We are all well aware that about 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered by water. However, most of that is seawater, and the amount of freshwater we can use for living is no more than a mere 0.3%. On the other hand, it is said that about 60% of natural disasters are caused by heavy rain and floods. The aim of the GPM project is to study the mechanisms of natural resources and catastrophes. The DPR will send the whole planet’s precipitation data every three hours, and through detailed analysis of this data, it could prove useful in weather forecast, flood alarms, and predicting abnormal weather and disasters.

GPM/DPR Special Site

Source: animeanime
Source article written by Yushi Makari

Anime for JAXA & NASA Space Mission [Official]
Anime for JAXA & NASA Space Mission [Official]

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