I'm Nora for short. I'm an Otaku that loves anime, manga, web/light novels, video games, & my harem of waifus, and the PlayStation platform. My #1 waifu is Rimuru Tempest; I love the best slime. Rimuru is genderless; doesn't identify as either gender but as slime, I address Rimuru as They/Them because they are genderless and identify as slime (neutral) and not gender term like male or female (same with Great Sage to Raphael) by the company that handles the series or how anyone addresses them (Please don't judge my preference and others too). I prefer the waifu term over the Husbando term when addressing any of my waifus in my harem and my lovely Rimuru Tempest. Do you wish to learn more about me; my hobbies? Then visit my website blog. Overall I'm simply a nice person.
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