【J-Fashion】Dark, Bold, and Daring Style from GLAD NEWS

Welcome back to our Japanese fashion blog! Today we’re bringing you a close-up look at a completely different type of brand from those we have covered in the past. As you can also see on our new GLAD NEWS brand page, the concept behind their designs is “Style for daring women who live courageously, act boldly, and have an unwavering heart.” That’s exactly what you’ll find in the following photographs of their Autumn/Winter 2015 exhibition!

The sign near the entrance to the exhibition set just the right tone! Someone must have had a lot of fun decorating those skulls….

Skulls and skeletons were a motif throughout the collection. It’s hard to communicate the sheer quality of this luxurious bag without actually touching it, so you’ll have to trust us on this one--it’s a joy to carry around, and will make quite an impression on anyone who sees it!

Did you see all the tops and dresses lined up behind the handbag in the previous image? GLAD NEWS items are almost exclusively available in black and white. This pic gives a detailed look at the elaborate print on one of their long, loose dresses. Many items had decorative prints on all sides, not just the front--for example, wings and bones starkly inscribed on the back, shoulders, and sleeves of hoodies and pullover tops.

Incredibly high quality and incredibly cool. We especially liked the asymmetrical decorations on the jacket. No two elements are exactly the same on the right and left sides.

Where would you go in this outfit? We thought it might be perfect for an autumn day walking around a big city. It’s comfortable, relaxed, cool, and edgy--in fact, we’d love to wear it right here in Tokyo, when strolling from the area outside the TOM office down to the main shopping district of Harajuku.

Of course we had to give you a closer look at this partially transparent (yet totally awesome) bag!

The staff at the exhibit explained to us that these items are actually from various older GLAD NEWS collections. Here they were used purely for decoration, but we hope GLAD NEWS will offer more punk and goth-influenced jewelry and accessories in the future!

It may seem that TOM has mainly focused on bringing in sweet & pretty Japanese brands, but we believe that the true strength of Japanese style lies in its sheer variety, and in the astonishingly high-quality and creative designs you can find in every fashion genre. We want to offer something for everyone, including brave and rebellious brands like GLAD NEWS! You can see our current selection here, but rest assured that we’ll be adding more and more items from their new collection later this year!

You can also visit this page to get another look at the full variety available in our J-fashion line-up. Thanks as always for reading, and see you again soon!

By Dreamy MIDORI & Sarappe

【J-Fashion】Dark, Bold, and Daring Style from GLAD NEWS 1
【J-Fashion】Dark, Bold, and Daring Style from GLAD NEWS 2
【J-Fashion】Dark, Bold, and Daring Style from GLAD NEWS 3
【J-Fashion】Dark, Bold, and Daring Style from GLAD NEWS 4
【J-Fashion】Dark, Bold, and Daring Style from GLAD NEWS 5
【J-Fashion】Dark, Bold, and Daring Style from GLAD NEWS 6
【J-Fashion】Dark, Bold, and Daring Style from GLAD NEWS 7

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