“Oreimo” Season 2, Ep. 12 Recap: “Total Angel Ayase Can't Descend on My Place Where I Live Alone”

At Manami’s suggestion, everyone is invited to Kyosuke’s apartment where he lives alone, and a moving party is held for him. On the day of the party, Kyosuke’s close friends gather at his apartment one after the other. When Kirino, who was also invited by Kyosuke, shows up, she suddenly starts butting heads with Manami...
(from the official episode guide)

Due to Manami’s suggestion, it’s decided that a party will be held to celebrate Kyosuke moving into his own apartment. An abundance of unique-minded girls, including his little sister Kirino, gather at his apartment. When the party begins, some of the girls are originally confused due to meeting each other for the first time, and a sudden quarrel breaks out. The cause of the fight is, of course, Kyosuke.

A bitter argument ensues between the girls over who is better suited to take care of Kyosuke while he is living alone so that he can devote himself to his studies. Kirino breaks up the argument by saying that they would all just interfere with Kyosuke’s studies and she appoints her trusted best friend Ayase to the task. Thereafter, Ayase begins going to his apartment every day after school to help with the cooking and cleaning. After Kyosuke receives an A on his mock exam, he is ready to move back home. While getting his things packed, Ayase corners him for a serious and sudden talk...

TV Anime Oreimo Official Site

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