WAO! Baby-Faced Yui Minakata Shows Off Her Elegant Side with This Mature Makeup Routine!

■ Title: Japanese Beauty Makeup by Yui Minakata
■ Host: Yui Minakata

Yui Minakata is a famous fashion model who has been featured in magazines like Kera, Larme, and Cutie! While she’s best known for cuter styles of makeup that complement her baby face, Yui guides viewers on a more mature look in this newest video!

Yui starts off with basics like foundation, concealer, and eyebrows before moving on to soft, creamy shades of eyeshadow with a touch of shimmer and a delicate coating of blush. She also makes expert use of highlighter to help make some of her features stand out! The look is perfect for those aiming for a simple but elegant appearance that channels the charming adult inside!

As a final note, Yui also does a great job of highlighting cosmetic products that she loves to use and why, so this video is especially recommended if you’re searching for new products, or if you have no idea where to start.

**About WAO-RYU! TV**
WAO-RYU! TV is a webcast aimed towards foreigners that debuted in 2013. They report on popular Japanese subcultures (otaku culture, kawaii culture, etc.) for audiences all throughout the world. Reaching over 225 different countries, and with over 50 million views, their fanbase has been steadily increasing over the years. (Viewership count updated as of April 2016.)

**About Kawaii♡Pateen**
Kawaii♡Pateen is a channel on WAO-RYU! TV that helps depict the coolness of Japan through fashion and cuteness. Concepts like the cute fashions and cosplay culture that take Harajuku, Shibuya, and Akihabara by storm are reported on in English for viewers.

**About WAO Corporation**
WAO Corporation, which started out managing tutoring schools, shifted their focus to expanding more educational, entertainment, solution, and life-advice enterprises throughout the entire country.

Source: PR TIMES

WAO! Baby-Faced Yui Minakata Shows Off Her Elegant Side with This Mature Makeup Routine! 1

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