OtaCos 6 to Take Place in Taki City, Japan on Nov. 6!

Interested in too many cool subjects? Then OtaCos 6, which will be held in the city of Taki, might just be the event you’ve been waiting for! With its start planned for Nov. 6, OtaCos could also be called “The Holy Event of All Events.”

The main attraction appeals to cosplayers, where specific stations all around the event area are set up to encourage exciting meet-ups with other cosplayers and photography fun. Getting around to these stations is also easy since participants can ride buses for free to get to their desired station.

Those participating can also receive a voucher at the event that can be used for certain goods or services at Taki’s Aging Festival, which will be happening at the same time as OtaCos.

In the main hall, there are also several performances scheduled. And if photography and plays aren’t your speed, there will also be an itasha car show featuring gorgeous and creative cars from all over Japan! Cosplayers are encouraged to try and find the car with the character they’re cosplaying to have engaging discussions and a bit of fun with the car owners!

Lastly, anyone can feel like a genuine member of the Japan Self-Defense Force with actual vehicles and uniforms that participants can dress up in and take pictures with - you could even pose with a plastic model tank they have on display!

Photographers are welcome, as is just about anyone else who is interested in an event that brings people with all sorts of different interests and hobbies together.

Source: PR TIMES

OtaCos 6 to Take Place in Taki City, Japan on Nov. 6! 1

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