Edwina Scissorhands?! Tim Burton’s Iconic Topiarist Hits Kotobukiya’s Bishoujo Series

Kotobukiya’s Bishoujo series takes your favourite characters from Japan and abroad and turns them into surprising female statues. This time it’s the iconic leading character from Tim Burton’s much loved ‘90s gothic fantasy movie Edward Scissorhands. The Edward Scissorhands Bishoujo Statue is based on an illustration by Shunya Yamashita and is set for release in October 2016.

Horror Bishoujo Scissorhands

Two years after the Bishoujo Freddy vs. Jason figures, Shunya Yamashita has reimagined Edward Scissorhands for the Horror series by giving her a mild perm, goth makeup and a punk-inspired outfit complete with knee-length lace-up boots as well as her iconic scissor hands. So sharp she just might cut you!

This is the first figure in the series from new sculptor Ke (Komakkou) who has taken care to recreate all the tiny details such as the skirt which looks like she cut it herself with her scissors; it even has clear material used for the lower layer, as well as real metal used for the metallic parts. The custom designed diorama base also has a light layer of ice inspired by the famous ice sculpting scene from the movie! Ah, what a way to warm your heart on a cold winter’s night.

Full Details:
Product Name: Edward Scissorhands Bishoujo Statue
Size: 1/7 scale, approx. 230 mm tall (including base)
Price: 9,000 yen (excluding tax)
Release Date: October 2016
Official Webpage: http://www.kotobukiya.co.jp/product/product-0000002089/

Edward Scissorhands & ©2016 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Source: @Press

Edwina Scissorhands?! Tim Burton’s Iconic Topiarist Hits Kotobukiya’s Bishoujo Series 1
Edwina Scissorhands?! Tim Burton’s Iconic Topiarist Hits Kotobukiya’s Bishoujo Series 2
Edwina Scissorhands?! Tim Burton’s Iconic Topiarist Hits Kotobukiya’s Bishoujo Series 3
Edwina Scissorhands?! Tim Burton’s Iconic Topiarist Hits Kotobukiya’s Bishoujo Series 4
Edwina Scissorhands?! Tim Burton’s Iconic Topiarist Hits Kotobukiya’s Bishoujo Series 5
Edwina Scissorhands?! Tim Burton’s Iconic Topiarist Hits Kotobukiya’s Bishoujo Series 6
Edwina Scissorhands?! Tim Burton’s Iconic Topiarist Hits Kotobukiya’s Bishoujo Series 7
Edwina Scissorhands?! Tim Burton’s Iconic Topiarist Hits Kotobukiya’s Bishoujo Series 8
Edwina Scissorhands?! Tim Burton’s Iconic Topiarist Hits Kotobukiya’s Bishoujo Series 9
Edwina Scissorhands?! Tim Burton’s Iconic Topiarist Hits Kotobukiya’s Bishoujo Series 10

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