‘Sarusuberi’ Movie Poster Released Featuring Bold Image of Oei

© 2014-2015 Hinako Sugiura, MS.HS / Sarusuberi Production Committee

The poster for the animated film Sarusuberi: Miss Hokusai, which will be out in theaters on May 9 (Sat.), 2015 was recently released to the media. The large drawing of Oei front and center delivers a striking impression. Also reflecting on the film’s theme, ukiyo-e has been taken into the design to make this a unique Sarusuberi: Miss Hokusai poster.

Sarusuberi: Miss Hokusai is based on Hinako Sugiura’s manga, Sarusuberi. The director of the movie is Keiichi Hara, well known for his Crayon Shin-chan series of films. He is also known for showing the audience a unique outlook of the world through his films such as Summer Days with Coo and Colorful.

The film revolves around Oei, an ukiyo-e artist whose father is Katsushika Hokusai. Anne plays the role of Oei, while Yutaka Matsushige plays her father, Hokusai.

The cast also features Akiko Yajima, the voice actress of the main character Shinnosuke from Crayon Shin-Chan, and Keiji Fujiwara, the voice actor of Hiroshi from the same anime. Kumiko Aso from the director’s previous movie, Colorful, is also in the film.

The background of the poster is impressive to look at with the crape myrtle (sarusuberi) trees and Katsushika Hokusai’s “The Great Wave Off Kanagawa” drawn behind Oei. In addition to the poster, special clear files have also been revealed. The files feature beautiful, colored illustrations of Oei and many other characters. The clear files will be given out as a special gift to presale ticket holders, with the presale tickets being sold beginning March 14 (Sat). With posters and leaflets also being given out and put on display on the same day, theaters will be full of Sarusuberi colors.

Sarusuberi: Miss Hokusai
Release Date: May 9 (Sat.), 2015

Sarusuberi: Miss Hokusai
© 2014-2015 Hinako Sugiura, MS.HS / Sarusuberi Production Committee

Source: animeanime

© 2014-2015 Hinako Sugiura, MS.HS / Sarusuberi Production Committee
© 2014-2015 Hinako Sugiura, MS.HS / Sarusuberi Production Committee
© 2014-2015 Hinako Sugiura, MS.HS / Sarusuberi Production Committee
© 2014-2015 Hinako Sugiura, MS.HS / Sarusuberi Production Committee
© 2014-2015 Hinako Sugiura, MS.HS / Sarusuberi Production Committee
© 2014-2015 Hinako Sugiura, MS.HS / Sarusuberi Production Committee

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