“Eva” Itabus Appears at Hakone Tozan Bus’ 100th Anniversary Celebration Event

On March 30, an event was held to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the tourist bus company in Kanagawa Prefecture called Hakone Tozan Bus. The event was held in the company’s Odawara garage. Families with children and bus fans gathered to enjoy unique experiences like taking pictures in the driver’s seat.

In addition to buses being on display from companies from the Odakyu Group, Itabuses covered with characters from Evangelion and mascot characters from each company were introduced, and original goods were also sold.

Director Itou from Hakone Tozan Bus commented on the event: “As a compilation of the events we’ve been organizing since April 2012, seven companies from the group participated. We organized this event to express our feelings of gratitude to our honored guests who use our services every day.”

When asked about the present state of the bus business, he said, “The finance of buses throughout the country is getting severe. After the earthquake, the number of guests dropped. However, it is slowly recovering.”

Also, when asked about the efforts for people having better opinions on buses as a means of transportation, he answered the following: “We keep the routes simple and easily understandable.” He also discussed the idea of introducing a location system with sightseeing information accessible from smartphones.

http://animeanime.jp/article/2013/04/01/13514.html (Japanese)

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“Eva” Itabus Appears at Hakone Tozan Bus’ 100th Anniversary Celebration Event 10

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