Alodia’s Tokyo Life #3: Meeting with the Esteemed Yoshitaka Amano-sensei

We bring to you the third installment of “Alodia’s Tokyo Life,” which chronicles the everyday life of world-renowned cosplayer Alodia by Alodia herself!

I’ve slowly gotten used to traveling back and forth between Manila and Tokyo every month.

This time, I met with Yoshitaka Amano-sensei for the first time in a long time. I was so happy!! You see, before I started cosplay, I had my eyes set on pursuing design.

Yoshitaka Amano-sensei is an artist who has done character designs, setting art, and clothing designs for such works as the Final Fantasy series. He is someone I have the utmost respect for. It is only by living in Tokyo that I had the chance to become an acquaintance of his. There is so much I want to learn from him.

Also, I have good news for all of you! This summer, I’ll be making my debut with designs for children’s clothing!! “Since she cosplays, of course she’s interested in making clothes!” And like that I was recommended to design children’s clothing at an agency.

I just know that children in the Philippines will like my designs!

I’m also attending a Japanese school regularly, and I feel like I’m slowly beginning to understand conversations.
...But I still have a long way to go.

My everyday life may seem like a mountain of tasks, but I’m giving it all I’ve got.
Well, until next time!

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This is a Tokyo Otaku Mode original article

Alodia's Tokyo Life #3: Meeting with the Esteemed Yoshitaka Amano-sensei
Alodia's Tokyo Life #3: Meeting with the Esteemed Yoshitaka Amano-sensei

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