Nico Nico Cho Kaigi 2 Report: Vocaloids Take Over!

The “Super Vocaloid Area” of Nico Nico Cho Kaigi 2 offered fans a chance to come and experience everything that is Vocaloid! The first display that caught visitors’ attentions was the 2 meter by 3 meter projected Miku!

Soris, a next-generation projection system, displayed Miku. It appeared that a video display was reflected on the bottom and projected to the top screen. Many people were walking around the greatly popular display that made it seem like Miku was really there.

The “Vocaloid Producer Workroom” was also bustling with excited fans. User-selected Vocaloid producers’ work environments and informative posters were on display. On the posters, Vocaloid producers openly discussed their works, including the tools they use and their usual work environments. Due to their extreme openness, it felt like the distance between them and fans was decreased a bit. In the sparkling, silver “Vocalo Wagon,” a lecture on Vocaloid technology was also given.

NicoNico ChouKaigi 2 Official Site:

Source: (Japanese)
Source Writer: Satomi Takahashi

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