四方川 菖蒲 : They were humans once

20 SUKI!
  • ash bagshaw
  • Abel Tuheiava
  • Riki Garcia
  • Marrku
  • Maria Martin De Bustamante
  • Van Dival
  • kvacm
  • Kensai-kun
  • ward
  • Grimalkin
  • Andras Midjord
  • Nathaniel. Podetz
  • Gojira Yamarajsha

四方川 菖蒲 : They were humans once

My Ayame Yomogawa cosplay project, from kabaneri no koutetsujou or Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress.

If you've noticed, I initially really liked Mumei, I still sort of do. But as the series progressed and eventually ended...And the tables have turned, the weak and spoiled princess became my favorite. Because even though she's simply a human being with a skill at archery, she's not quite a kabaneri nor a warrior like Kurusu.

She solved distrust among her peers and wins their trust. Am just a little sad that we didn't get to see more of her intricate steam bow in action.

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