Blue No,3

98 SUKI!
  • abby9960
  • Palsa
  • Cindy Chu
  • enchantedprincess503
  • nadeshiko4423
  • Olimarc
  • Jenny Emmert
  • gamer609
  • Animefan♥
  • Karen Zalazar
  • Cheesus
  • Paul Phan
  • Copia Eras Ramirez

Blue No,3

"Wouldn't it be nice if I could hear the mutterings of the flowers before they wither and fade away?"

"Everyone knows there is "That Secret Place", but no one knows where it is."

"Two is better than one, but I am still not sure if three is better than two."

"The blue candy flowers appear with a likelihood which is slightly more than that of a miracle. The secret flavor is pineapple."

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