Evangelion 20th Anniversary: Asuka-chan

  • 13,199
79 SUKI!
  • BunkaKenkyu
  • Mathan Kannan
  • Pablo Jose Becerril
  • Wagner Ferreira
  • Richard Faulkner
  • marcellasubiyanto22
  • Love VolcaloidxAnimex
  • Sean Geerlings
  • Vivien Mjollnir
  • Emma Tardif
  • João Silva
  • DiamondCrash
  • Tris the OTAKU

Evangelion 20th Anniversary: Asuka-chan

Congratulations on your 20th anniversary, Evangelion! With that being said, I drew Asuka-chan whom I’ve totally loved since long ago! I’ve always wanted to draw her, and with the timing being fairly good I thought I’d take this opportunity!

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