Illustrator - Japan
Nice to meet you, I’m EVILVIT. I draw illustrations. I like creating things and traveling!



  • Ultimate weapon of the kingdom
    • 10810
    • 66
  • Morning glow
    • 13612
    • 95
  • Resonance
    • 10198
    • 76
    • 13088
    • 35
  • Downfall
    • 11960
    • 81

About Me


Illustrator / Japan

I’m aiming for the world through videos, game concept art, matte painting, card game illustrations, and more! My hobbies include composing music, playing the guitar, physical strength training, skateboarding, traveling, and mountain climbing. I love being active, and I want to experience many landscapes and cultures through traveling to many countries. I’m studying many things through self-expression, and I will keep challenging myself so that I can create the best work.

  • Creator NameEVILVIT
  • GenreIllustration
  • NationalityJapanese
  • GenderMale
  • Date of Birth1/29/1994
  • Blood TypeO
  • Zodiac SignAquarius
  • Years Active4
  • Area of ActivityTokyo, Japan


    How did you get into drawing?

    I have loved the Star Wars series since I was young, and I used to play with my friends with figures and lightsabers I bought.

    Back then, I began drawing materials (?) for a world I had thought up while looking at an art collection pamphlet I bought at the theater. That may be how I got into it.

    What are you particular about in your work?

    Generally speaking, I’m at constant odds with the amount of information I include. After that, I draw while being conscious of conveying to viewers things like the atmosphere and temperature of the world.

    How long does your work take to create?

    1-3 hours on the fast side, but about 10 hours when I take my time.

    When do you come up with ideas for your work?

    Many times, I’m struck with an unexpected beat when I’m shopping, commuting, or dreaming. I carry a small memo pad with me so that I can take memos or draw sketches at anytime.