Tokyo Majo Saiban -Episode 0-

  • 21,196
72 SUKI!
  • DokiChan
  • Ronney
  • Naxame
  • larue.julie81
  • Jesse McDonough
  • Toki
  • Veron Tea
  • Blair Mueller
  • A.R.
  • Kurisu Gomu
  • Paula
  • Yuyu
  • Ao Neko

Tokyo Majo Saiban -Episode 0-

I had the pleasure of drawing this jacket illustration for Eine Kleine’s and Haiiro Logic’s collaboration CD “Tokyo Majo Saiban -Episode 0-.”

It will be distributed at C87 (3rd Day) East Yo-30ab.
Below is a special site where you can have a trial listen.

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