Fate/stay night Releases Illustrated Postcards as Third Week Movie Ticket Bonuses

Fate/stay night Releases Illustrated Postcards as Third Week Movie Ticket Bonuses

The Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel I. presage flower movie has been screening in cinemas across Japan to great acclaim and has just announced the third of its weekly changing bonus gifts for ticket buyers.

From Oct. 28, customers buying tickets to see the movie will receive one of three postcards featuring brand new uftotable illustrations of Saber, Archer, and Gilgamesh selected at random.

There will also be a campaign running inside the spin-off Fate game, Fate/Grand Order, in which users can get their hands on a special Jeanne d’Arc card from Oct. 28.

(C)TYPE-MOON, ufotable, FSNPC

Adapted with permission from Anime!Anime!

Fate/stay night Releases Illustrated Postcards as Third Week Movie Ticket Bonuses 1
Fate/stay night Releases Illustrated Postcards as Third Week Movie Ticket Bonuses 2

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