Get Slim With Pokémon GO! A Report From

Sunny Health Co., Ltd., the producer of the the long-selling diet food Microdiet, has released a report titled "Get Slim With Pokémon GO!" on the dieting information site Sunny Health Co., Ltd.: Head office: Chuo-ku, Tokyo / CEO: Masahiro Nishimura

Since the Japan release of the Pokémon GO smartphone game, it seems like everyone's got Pokéfever! We can't remember the last time a day went by without Pokémon GO getting a mention on the news, and it's not just Japan - Pokémon are taking over the entire world.

Pokémon GO is so popular that when you step outside it's hard to miss the hordes of Pokéfans absorbed in the game, but it's also causing a lot of problems. Walking while using a smartphone and not paying proper attention to your surroundings can be dangerous, and there are even stories of people playing Pokémon GO while driving!

While it may have its problems, Pokémon GO also creates the possibility of getting healthy while having fun playing a game.

Since it pretty much requires players to walk around outside if they want to catch 'em all, you can get in a fair amount of steps while enjoying the game. Head out to catch a few Pokémon and before you know it you've embarked on a proper trek!

If you're exercising to lose weight, it can be difficult to stay motivated. But since players need to walk a lot to catch Pokémon and hatch Pokémon eggs, walking is a necessary part of the game. While having fun playing Pokémon GO, you can walk miles and miles and do plenty of exercise without even noticing!

It's true that walking doesn't burn off that many calories, and at an average walking speed you can expect to burn about 173 kcal after 1 hour (based on a body weight of 55kg). However, calorie consumption isn't the only thing to consider, and walking can be an effective way of achieving a slim figure. Aerobic exercise is a great way of burning body fat, building muscle, and improving circulation, leading to an increased metabolism and making it easier to lose weight.

Pokémon GO makes losing weight fun, so here are some ways to make the most of the Pokémon GO diet!

[How to Follow the Pokémon GO Diet Effectively]

● Consume Natural Caffeine Before You Start Walking

Drinks like coffee, black tea, and green tea all contain a lot of caffeine. Caffeine activates lipase, an enzyme that catalyses the breakdown of fats. This causes body fat to break down to be used as energy. Essentially, by consuming caffeine, the body can burn fat more easily.

To use the magic of caffeine effectively, it's best if you grab a cup of coffee about 20 to 30 minutes before you start exercising. This effect of caffeine doesn't get stronger the more you drink, so just enjoy 1 cup of a caffeinated drink and refrain from adding any sugar.

● Walk 10 Minutes a Day, 2 to 3 Times a Week

If you get into Pokémon GO, you can enjoy walking around every day without any effort. Anything from 10 minutes of walking a day about 2 to 3 times a week is effective in helping you lose weight.

Until recently, the established theory behind burning body fat taught that at least 20 minutes of aerobic exercise is required, but now it's believed that 10 consecutive minutes of aerobic exercise achieves results. And best of all, it seems that if you do aerobic exercise for 10 minutes twice a day, even at completely different times, you get the same effect as 20 consecutive minutes of exercise.

Each 10 minute block of exercise needs to be a full 10 minutes without any interruptions. When it comes to the frequency of aerobic exercise, rather than exercising once a week for 1 hour, it's more effective to exercise for at least 10 minutes a day, three days a week. So you could head out and spend 10 minutes catching Pokémon on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and it would be better than devoting an entire hour to exercising once a week - that doesn't sound so bad, does it?

● Walk Quickly with Long Strides

Whether you walk slowly or quickly can have a big impact on how much weight you lose. It's best to walk quickly with long strides while holding your back straight and your head high. Of course, even walking slowly has some effect, but why not make the most of your time spent catching Pokémon by exercising in the most effective way possible?

When you walk normally, you mostly only use the muscles of the lower half of your body, but by walking with long, swinging strides you can give the muscles in the upper half of your body a workout too.

When you lengthen your stride, you use the muscles on the upper half of your body - from your abdominal muscles to the muscles on your sides - to keep balanced. By strengthening these muscles you can achieve a slimmer waist, and by using more muscles you'll also burn more calories.

When you walk briskly with long strides, your calf muscles expand and contract more, like a pumping motion. Consequently, your circulation improves and your metabolism increases, relieving bloating, sensitivity to cold, and constipation. Your basal metabolism will also rise, and you'll burn even more calories.

By being aware of the muscles that you're using in your legs while you walk, you can use your leg muscles more vigorously than when you walk normally. But remember to be careful if you have weak leg muscles or when wearing heels!

Check out the latest article on "Get Slim With Pokémon GO!" for more details!

■ About is a website that provides readers with the right information about dieting from a team of experienced registered dietitians, who majored in nutritional sciences and have acted as diet supporters for hundreds of dieters. also shares diet-related news from Japan and the rest of the world, as well as publishing the results of its own research.

Through, Sunny Health Co., Ltd. hopes to help as many people as possible realise that the results of dieting can differ greatly depending on their own awareness and methods, and it also hopes that people will start thinking about their own lifestyle and health thanks to

■ About the Diet Food Microdiet

Microdiet is a diet food that was created in the United Kingdom in 1983. It's based on the Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD) theory, which teaches "By taking in the necessary nutrients, even if you restrict the amount of calories you consume, you can diet without damaging your health."

By replacing normal meals with Microdiet, dieters can reduce the amount of calories they consume while aiming for a healthy diet. Factors like individual lifestyles and physical characteristics have a big effect on how much weight a dieter loses, and changing lifestyle habits is also necessary.

Following its creation in the United Kingdom, Microdiet has been sold in over 41 countries. Sunny Health Co., Ltd. has been selling Microdiet in Japan since 1989, and since then it's been used by more than 3.6 million people. Sunny Health Co., Ltd. also carries out a variety of research, and its products are even used by many specialist organisations.

There are over 16 varieties of Microdiet products available, including Microdiet Drinks, Risotto & Pasta, Cereal, Microdiet Premium, and more. In the 27 years since it first went on sale, plenty of other diets have come and gone, but the safe and dependable long-seller Microdiet is still on top.

Source: @Press

Get Slim With Pokémon GO! A Report From 1
Get Slim With Pokémon GO! A Report From 2

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