As part of the promotions for the upcoming Marvel movie Captain America: Civil War, three major shounen manga titles have also revealed their own version of "civil war", illustrated by the respective manga artists themselves. The titles in this collaboration are Fairy Tail, Daiya no A / Ace of Daimond and Nanatsu no Taizai / The Seven Deadly Sins.
In the next issue of the weekly Magazine shounen manga publication, these three amazing illustrations parodying the Captain America: Civil War movie posters will be included for fans to collect - this is certainly a keeper!
ダイヤのA、七つの大罪、FAIRY TAILに内乱勃発!?「シビル・ウォー」とコラボ">">
— コミックナタリー (@comic_natalie)">April 5, 2016
Natsu V.S. Gray (Fairy Tail)
Meliodas V.S. Ban (Nanatsu no Taizai / The Seven Deadly Sins)
Sawamura V.S. Miyuki (Daiya no A / Ace of Daimond)
The manga artists expressed that they were happy to participate in this project as they are fans of the Marvel heroes. This is indeed a dream collaboration for fans of both American comics and Japanese manga!
This is a Tokyo Otaku Mode original article
*Source: Twitter*