Hatsune Miku VocaloP Special Feature: wowaka, Creator of ‘World’s End Dance Hall’

In honor of Miku Day on March 9, we’re introducing Vocaloid producers for Hatsune Miku! This time we feature wowaka, the creator of “World’s End Dance Hall.”

The songs that wowaka make have unique arrangements, often utilizing fast tempos, high notes, and lyrics with a twist! Each of his songs tell a story sung from the perspective of a main character, often a girl in her adolescence, divulging her feelings of restlessness and brewing frustration.

World’s End Dance Hall

Ura-omote Lovers

Rolling Girl

wowaka’s Playlist (Nico Nico Douga)

March 9 is Hatsune Miku Day!
In Japanese, three can be pronounced as both “mi” and “san.” Nine can be pronounced as both “ku” and “kyuu.” Therefore, March 9 can be pronounced, for the sake of pronunciation play, as “Miku” and “sankyuu,” which sounds like “thank you.” That is why March 9 is the day to celebrate Hatsune Miku.

Tokyo Otaku Mode operates on the idea of “bringing happiness to the world through otaku culture,” and since Hatsune Miku is a big part of Japan’s otaku culture, we had to do something exciting for Miku Day, March 9.

Tokyo Otaku Mode will be celebrating Hatsune Miku with special features that will run until March 22 at 7:00 p.m. (PST)!
What’s in store:
1. A sale on Hatsune Miku products
2. Introductions to Hatsune Miku illustrations and music
3. In-depth articles related to Hatsune Miku

Plus! A concurrent campaign is also being held with exclusive Hatsune Miku products as prizes! Get the details here!

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