March 9 is Hatsune Miku Day! Tokyo Otaku Mode is Going All Out in Celebration!

March 9 is Hatsune Miku Day! Tokyo Otaku Mode is Going All Out in Celebration! 0

March 9 is a day of thanks for Hatsune Miku!

In Japanese, three can be pronounced as both “mi” and “san.” Nine can be pronounced as both “ku” and “kyou.” Therefore, March 9 can be pronounced, for the sake of pronunciation play, as “Miku” and “sankyuu,” which sounds like thank you. That is why March 9th is day for appreciation of Hatsune Miku.

Through Hatsune Miku’s music, many moods can be experience and numerous worlds expressed.

The first voice from the future was one not at all robotic nor mechanical, but rather captivatingly radiant.

"We're glad the first sound from the future was you."

We’ve launched this campaign out of a wanting to express our gratitude once again for Hatsune Miku. Everyone, join us in sending out feelings of gratitude to Hatsune Miku!

Details → Thunderclap Page

Hatsune Miku will also be featured on Tokyo Otaku Mode!
Tokyo Otaku Mode operates on the idea of “bringing happiness to the world through otaku culture.”

Hatsune Miku is a big part of Japan’s otaku culture, so we had to do something exciting for Miku Day, March 9.

Therefore, we will be featuring Hatsune Miku for two weeks beginning on March 9!
The following will be featured:
1. Sale on Hatsune Miku products
2. Introductions to Hatsune Miku illustrations and music
3. In-depth articles related to Hatsune Miku

Further details are available now on the Tokyo Otaku Mode Facebook page, so make sure to check them out!

Tokyo Otaku Mode Facebook Page
Tokyo Otaku Mode Premium Shop

Plus! A concurrent campaign is also being held with exclusive Hatsune Miku products as prizes! Get the details here!

About Hatsune Miku
On August 31th, 2007, Hatsune Miku was born as computer music software that enables users to create synthesized singing.

The original profile is only her figure on software package, height 158cm, weight 42kg, 16 years old and her "Voice".

Creators have composed songs with Hatsune Miku software and uploaded on web, Hatsune Miku phenomenon, "The chain of creation" spread to the world.

Many creators, inspired by her songs, have published their original works
not only in the field of music, but in illustration, video,
CG, cosplay, live performance and dance...

Virtual singer Hatsune Miku is created by "The chain of creation", and it is continuing to spread.

Hatsune Miku Facebook Page

About Tokyo Otaku Mode
Tokyo Otaku Mode is all about sharing Japanese otaku culture with the rest of the world.

We report on everything otaku including figures, Nendoroids, manga, anime, cosplay, and otaku conventions from all over the world.

We also bring you the latest news straight from Akiba, Tokyo: the center of otaku culture!

Please feel free to let us know what you would like to see more of and how we can help to enrich your otaku life!

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