Hatsune Miku Dancing on Your Palm?! What Is This Wondrous New Technology Called “Hako Vision”?

Have you ever heard of the gadget called “Hako Vision”? It is a palm-size 3D projection toy sold by one of Japan’s major toymakers, Bandai. Using the “Hako Vision technology” developed independently by Bandai (Japanese patent pending)
the 8.5-centimeter cube box creates a 3D space that makes videos specifically created for this toy emerge, allowing the viewer to carefreely enjoy a 3D video experience. The only arrangements you need is “Hako Vision” and a smartphone, the latter of which is required to make possible the 3D reproduction of various videos through projection.

Up until recently, “Hako Vision” has only delivered content themed around Mobile Suit Gundam. Now, in the third round arrives Hatsune Miku, a character known and loved throughout the world!

What is “Hako Vision”?

In the third volume, “Hako Vision Hatsune Miku,” Miku’s trademark holographic live shows are reproduced in a small theater. With this, you can enjoy a video filled with so much presence it feels as if Miku is really doing a live concert right there on your palm. The original videos only available for “Hako Vision” all use the latest Miku model. The songs featured include “Tell Your World,” which became known as a commercial song, “World Is Mine,” “Nijigen Dream Fever,” and “Story Rider” - four popular songs which are recorded in packages of two. The videos are made by Wakamura P, who has created countless well-known pieces as a video creator, including Vocaloid videos as well. In addition, we get to see another costume as part of the performance.

They are also planning the development of the “Tenohi-Life System,” which allows the viewer to enjoy multiple video productions at random while reading two-dimensional code.

“Hako Vision Hatsune Miku” is scheduled to release in October in North America. Ahead of its release, a demo experience corner will be arranged at the BlueFin booth (booth No. 140) at the San Diego Comic Con held from July 24. Do consider personally experiencing this Miku performance at the venue, it is sure to surprise you!

Bandai “Hako Vision” Official Page

This is a Tokyo Otaku Mode original article.

What is Hako Vision?
What is Hako Vision?
Hatsune Miku Dancing on Your Palm?! What Is This Wondrous New Technology Called “Hako Vision”? 2
Hatsune Miku Dancing on Your Palm?! What Is This Wondrous New Technology Called “Hako Vision”? 3
Hatsune Miku Dancing on Your Palm?! What Is This Wondrous New Technology Called “Hako Vision”? 4
Hatsune Miku Dancing on Your Palm?! What Is This Wondrous New Technology Called “Hako Vision”? 5

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