Takashi Yanase - “I’ll die when I die! But I’ll give it my all until then!”

Takashi Yanase, the mangaka who created Japan’s national anime, Go! Anpanman, passed away in a hospital in Tokyo on Oct. 13 at the age of 94.

Yanase has held many different jobs throughout his life, including designer, editor, and director. He was a late blooming manga artist, as he was already in his late 50s when Anpanman debuted and 69 when the anime started. Afterwards, he continued his activities, and even though he considered retiring after 90, he remained active due to the Tohoku Earthquake. Despite his fragile health, he continued to spread “love and courage” in Japan through his works.

Only three months before his death, he made an appearance at the stage greetings of the theatrical anime Go! Anpanman: Fly! The Handkerchief of Hope. At that time, he told the audience that he only had two weeks left, and surprised them with a strong comment: “I’ll die when I die! But I’ll die laughing, and that will be the advertisement for this movie! I’ll give it my all until then!”

In Anpanman’s Will, it says that since there was no child born in their marriage, Yanase was referring to Anpanman as “their child,” and also that Anpanman was born from the “Star of Life” that descended from the sky right into Uncle Jam’s anpan.

If we were to rephrase Yanase’s death with his own expressions, “the Star of Life has returned to the sky” might be appropriate. Yanase has turned into a forever shining star, and he will continue to watch over children from above...I’m sure that’s the case.

Source: Otakuma Keizai Shimbun
Source article written by Miwako Miyazaki

Takashi Yanase - “I’ll die when I die! But I’ll give it my all until then!” 1

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