Reprint of “Kinnikuman,” a Popular Manga that Supported the Golden Age of Shonen Jump, is Coming!

Volumes 1-36 of Kinnikuman, a fight-action manga that made a big boom in the 1980’s, are going to be reprinted this July. The project is to commemorate the Kinnikuman series’ achievement of having 100 volumes published and will begin in the new 43rd volume of Jump Comics, which will on sale on July 1.

Kinnikuman is a popular manga that was serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump beginning in May 1979. The story is about Kinnikuman, a clumsy, goofy, leftover kind of superhero, and how he engages in life and death struggles using superhuman martial arts, as well as how he nurtures friendships with his rivals. Magazine serialization for the series ended in 1987, but it was revived as a webcomic in Nov. 2011, and it is still ongoing.

The reprint will include Volumes 1-36 that were first published in Weekly Shonen Jump. The front cover will be a remake of the old manga’s front cover by Yudetamago. The back cover will feature famous supermen such as Kinnikuman, Terryman, and rare superheroes as well. In all, the brave figures of 36 characters will all be freshly drawn. The end of the book will contain an encyclopaedia of the supermen with records of data and famous fights.

Publisher Shueisha named the project for commemorating Kinnikuman’s 100 consecutive volumes “The Carnival” and is planning on holding various events after the release, such as autograph sessions or exhibitions of the original manga.

The author duo Yudetamago commented, “Please look forward to the legend reborn!!” This is a chance to once more enjoy a popular series in its original form.

Source: (Japanese)

© Yudetamago / Shueisha Inc.

Front cover reprint © Yudetamago / Shueisha Inc.
Front cover reprint © Yudetamago / Shueisha Inc.
Original front cover © Yudetamago / Shueisha Inc.
Original front cover © Yudetamago / Shueisha Inc.
Author Yudetamago
Author Yudetamago

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