Win Original Goods! Snow Brand Coffee Collaborates with “Anohana”

Win Original Goods! Snow Brand Coffee Collaborates with “Anohana”

Megmilk Snow Brand is collaborating with We Still Don’t Know the Name of the Flower We Saw That Day: The Movie, which will be released in Japan on August 31. A campaign began on April 1 in which those who buy Snow Brand Coffee and other specially marked Megmilk Snow Brand goods can apply for a limited, original item based on the movie.

The campaign features great prizes that you can’t get anywhere else. In total, 5,000 original presents are up for grabs. Three-hundred people will win an original, voiced alarm clock, 500 people will win an original T-shirt, 300 people will win a pair of tickets to see the movie, and 3,600 people will win an original clear file folder.

We Still Don’t Know the Name of the Flower We Saw That Day, or known simply as Anohana, is an original TV anime that was broadcast in 2011. The work is popular in several forms of media. To date, 270,000 Blu-rays and DVDs of the anime have been shipped, as well as 230,000 copies of the manga adaptation and 177,000 copies of the novel adaptation. Anohana: The Movie will shed more light on the characters as children, one year after they formed the Super Peace Busters.

Snow Brand Coffee Anohana Campaign: (Japanese)

Anohana Official Site: (Japanese)

Source: (Japanese)

© “Anohana” Project
© 2013 Megmilk Snow Brand Co. Ltd. All rights reserved.

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