Creator Interview: mitarashi [2/2]

Last time, we talked to mitarashi about how he became an illustrator. This time, we talked to him about his work.

“rejuvenating illustrations bring happiness”

TOM: Let's move on to your illustration work. What kind of tools do you use in your work?
mitarashi: I normally use pen tablets to draw digital illustrations. I have used the Intuos series from Intuos3 to Intuos5, which I use now, but I'm planning to switch to the Cintiq series. As far as software, I used to use SAI because I really liked the thinness of the line it provides, but I'm currently using Clip Studio Paint.

TOM: Which work that you have created is your favorite?
mitarashi: What I like about this piece is the dog who is showing his face. I like to illustrate innocent faces, so I put a lot of effort into drawing the dog. I think this is because of the dog that I had when I was a child. His name was Eru. He was a hybrid and looked like a mixture of a dachshund and a corgi. I especially liked his butt.

TOM: What was the hardest work you have created?
mitarashi: I began by creating the structure and went on to draw the rough painting of the standing girl. It usually takes about a few days to one week to complete one work, but it took me a couple of weeks to finish this illustration. I considered how to make it look attractive, and I ended up using 100 layers for each part and each color of the illustration. She is flying in the sky with a rod. However, the rod is not meant to defeat enemies, but to produce a girly feeling of effects. Even I am not sure what kind of effects these are.

TOM: Which work is your most recent?
mitarashi: I drew this work hoping that everyone who sees it on a hot summer day can feel refreshed by it. The hair of the girl in the picture is shining under the light of the sun. The surface of the water reflects the same light and is gently waving just like a mirage. In addition, there is a dog with a curly tail right next to the girl. I think this illustration is really cute, and I really like it.

TOM: One of the special features of your work is the colorful effects that you create. Is there anything that you are always careful about when creating your work?
mitarashi: Personally, I like colors such as blue and green, and I often use fluorescent colors. To be honest, I have very little experience in color design. I'm certain that learning color design is important to gain the knowledge of how to combine colors in effective ways, as well as other knowledge that might be beneficial. However, there is a part of me that is afraid of being limited on the types of colors I can use due to that knowledge. Designing colors is a process I really enjoy; I always enjoy thinking, "What about this color? Might this combination of colors be better?" and so on.

TOM: How would you like people to see your work?
mitarashi: In our daily lives, I think there are so many moments when we can feel a sense of happiness. I sometimes think of those moments while drawing and express them as one of the motifs of my work. Also, I draw female characters most of the time, and I consider them as my daughters. Maybe my experience of growing up raising my dog Eru is where this comes from, but I see the lovely growth of my daughters from the viewpoint of a proud father. I want everyone to see my illustrations when they are tired so that they can feel warm and happy. With a specific sense of purpose, I always try to do something new in each illustration. I would like everyone to look for my development as an illustrator.

TOM: Thank you very much. Lastly, do you have any words for TOM?
mitarashi: From the beginning, TOM has always done interesting things, and today’s fun conversation was no exception. I look forward to seeing how TOM will grow moving forward.

Check out our picture collection of the talented mitarashi, and don’t forget to SUKI him! Keep it here for even more interviews with some of the most prominent creators in the otaku world!

Creator's My Page:

What I like about the work is the dog who is showing his face. I like to illustrate innocent faces.
What I like about the work is the dog who is showing his face. I like to illustrate innocent faces.
I considered how to make it look attractive, and eventually I used 100 layers for each part and each color of the illustration.
I considered how to make it look attractive, and eventually I used 100 layers for each part and each color of the illustration.
There is a dog with a curly tail right next to the girl. I think this illustration is really cute, and I absolutely like it.
There is a dog with a curly tail right next to the girl. I think this illustration is really cute, and I absolutely like it.
With a specific sense of purpose, I always try to do something new in each illustration work.
With a specific sense of purpose, I always try to do something new in each illustration work.
I would like everyone to look for my development as an illustrator.
I would like everyone to look for my development as an illustrator.

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