Details on Pre-Order Bonuses for “Tiger & Bunny: Heroes Day”

D3 Publisher is developing a game based on the popular TV anime and movie Tiger & Bunny. Tiger & Bunny: Heroes Day will be released on the PSP on March 20, 2013. Heroes Day is the second game for Tiger & Bunny to be released on the PSP.

Pre-order bonuses for the game have now been revealed. The bonuses differ depending on the store, so let’s take a look at each one. Animate is giving out an original postcard for those who pre-order either the first edition or the regular edition. Sofmap is giving out an original telephone card, but it is limited to those pre-ordering the first edition only. Other shops giving out bonuses include Imagine Web Shop, which is giving out a bookmark pack called “Magical Pack Bookmarks”, and D3P Web Shop Rakutenshi Basho, which is giving out an exclusive clear file folder. The previous two gifts can be obtained regardless of which version of the game is pre-ordered.

Which pre-order bonus do you want? Pick the store carefully and pre-order the game soon before the bonuses run out!

Tiger & Bunny: Heroes Day Official Site: (Japanese)

Source: (Japanese)

© SUNRISE Inc./T&B Partners, MBS
© 2013 D3 Publisher Inc.

Sofmap: Original telephone card
Sofmap: Original telephone card
Imagine Web Shop: Magical Pack Bookmarks
Imagine Web Shop: Magical Pack Bookmarks
Animate: Original postcard
Animate: Original postcard
D3P Web Shop Rakutenshi Basho: Exclusive clear file folder
D3P Web Shop Rakutenshi Basho: Exclusive clear file folder

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