lamendolaUnited States of America
lamendolaUnited States of America


  • TOM Premium


Big Mom is Big Wow


I may be slightly biased in this review. I have a special attachment to this character, as I cosplayed as her (a younger version, right after she gives birth to Chiffon and Lola) and it's still my favorite cosplay. I had a great time dressed as her - so many asked me for photos and complimented me and, as far as I know, I was the only one dressed as this character at this particular con. (The VA for Lola even complimented me!) I had a great time as her, and I wanted a figure to commemorate the moment but alas, they were all waaay out of my price range. But then I found this one. She's super detailed! You can see the seam and the wrinkles in her dress and cape, the folds in her skin...Read moreClose

Really great for the price!


She's adorable and the price was reasonable. Awesome attention to detail, what with the fabric fishnet stockings and slightly sparkly eyes. Same complaints as other users, as it is a bit top heavy and slightly wobbly as a result. She's also bigger than I realized, but that's ok - she looms over the other figures on my shelf, asserting her dominance as Waifu Prime and commanding fealty from the plastic peons beneath her. Recommended.

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