YukkuraxKawaiii Girls!


YukkuraxKawaiii Girls!

It is an image of my characters have.
This is a girl who is by far the toxins in the body of a girl, me and cute forever.

The name of the girl who is in the left Hana.
Main color yellow flower of the city I live in, so a sunflower!
Cosplay lovers, is bright energetic personality.

The name of the girl who is left Moe-chan.
'm In charge of healing, but a zombie girl. Blue is the main color!
It is a ditz, but it is a kind-hearted personality.

Yu-chan name of the girl who is in the middle (Yukku-ra).
Favorite girl to draw a picture that reflects me. Red, pink is the main color!
It's moody but it is personality that immediately jump to that new thing and a little delicate, you like.

The dented variously it is, but I will go bright and positive always! Please look forward to the success of the girls that you are!

Production tools: Adobe Illustrator CC

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