Tokyo Ghoul Season 2 Trailer #1

149 SUKI!
  • Subrinachan
  • Isabella Carles
  • Jarmel Nissi
  • Flix Nyee Ku Evy
  • Pablo Ovalle
  • Rayhan Hakim
  • Ayumi Chitose
  • Ain Natasya Nizan
  • LuzMarie Rivera Bermudez
  • Redemptus Donny Triatmaja
  • Elexir Ele
  • Mon Wangananont
  • Rully Baidlowi

The first trailer for the second season of popular anime Tokyo Ghoul is out! This teaser is taking the word ‘teaser’ very seriously because after watching it we are just dying for more. Are you also looking forward to Tokyo Ghoul Season 2 in January 2015?

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