Dragon Age: Origins Movie Trailer

11 SUKI!
  • Jacopo Battistich
  • Rene Ferrante
  • Eman M Hassan
  • Sam Andrei Cuadras
  • Abubakar Husla Sadiq
  • JdmataG
  • Ruben Rodriguez
  • Hueco Mundo
  • Aiman Faraz
  • E.K.
  • Leo LeoxYumei

Based off the world of the international hit, Dragon Age: Origins, a new CG-animated movie called ドラゴンエイジ-ブラッドメイジの聖戦- (Dragon Age: The Blood Mages' Holy War) has been announced for release on February 11, 2012. Also, there's a gift plan in the works to give a present to everyone who goes to see the movie, in the form of a rare item pack in the game Dragon Age II. 41 usable game items will be included in the pack, a gift plan that no player can afford to miss.
Translated by volunteer Ninja “Kabasaki.

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