Trailer: Animated Film “Ajin: Shodo”
Gamon Sakurai’s hit manga series “Ajin” is receiving 3 consecutive animated film adaptations, the first of which being “Ajin: Shodo (Ajin: Impulse)”. Ajin tells the story of a high school boy named Kei Nagai, who finds out that he is one of the Ajin, a rare race of immortal humans who are cruelly treated as both criminals and experimental test subjects, and thus live hidden from society. Frightened and confused, he is torn between his identity as a human or one of the Ajin.
“Ajin: Shodo” will be airing in Japan for a two short weeks only, starting November 27th, 2015. Ajin will also be receiving an anime series, to air starting in 2016, so keep your eyes peeled for that as well!
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© 桜井画門・講談社/亜人管理委員会
1 comment
Cool I was actually waiting for something like this for ajin. Its an amazing manga