Strike Witches: Operation Victory Arrow Vol. 1: St. Trond no Raimei PV Part.2

  • Chiara Trovato
  • Yumekui Inu
  • Justin Marbach
  • Raul Carmelo Artiles Ramirez
  • Bryan Chong
  • Rolyn Jay Marquez

A new fight is set to begin for the Strike Witches. The long-popular anime Strike Witches is coming to theaters as a trilogy of short stories! Part 1, Strike Witches: Operation Victory Arrow Vol. 1: St. Trond no Raimei, will include characters Erica Hartmann, Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke, and others. They thought they had wiped out the Neuroi, but the Neuroi won’t be defeated so easily…

The movie will release in theaters in Japan on Sept. 20. Of course, the staff from the anime series has remained unchanged for this trilogy!

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