Great Illustrations from Tokyo Otaku Mode's Website! (3/55) | Anime Gallery | Tokyo Otaku Mode (TOM) Shop: Figures & Merch From Japan

  • Ar Li N
  • Nikola Spasojevic

Great Illustrations from Tokyo Otaku Mode's Website!
There are many cool and cute illustrations on Tokyo Otaku Mode's main site— it's a feast for the otaku eyes!

Works by: Zaphk, mikipa, Yoshimi Ohtani, manvow, Retsuna, tori, chamooi, Animus-rhythm, Paparinz, Momoko Wong, Kazuharu Kina, bachico, yahata, youko, Mitsuaki Matsumoto, S@e, kicdoc, Hideyuki Mori, PrincessElemmiriel, Sakura Suou, miya ayuco, Yamadori Yoshitomo, ymr, EDAROW, hebitsukai, Arata, shii, Yasuto Hukuda, mubouou aasaa, squirnail, Kouichi Kawamoto, Daphne Zhang, daito4, Kksg Kgr, Vinhnyu, Shilin Huang, Toshiaki_Takayama, yoshiki, Kazeno.

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